
What could be more fun on a beautiful summer evening than an exciting Cubs game at Wrigley Field?  The temperatures were in the low 80’s and high 70’s with a light breeze as the sun slowly set over the Chicago skyline.  People were getting off at Addison Avenue, walking from neighbor hoods and parked cars.  Vendors were selling their wears in the streets and sidewalks and bars like Murphy’s were packed with early arrivers to the game.

Sunset over Chicago
Sunset over Chicago
Coming to the Ball Park
Coming to the Ball Park
Sunset over Wrigley Field
Sunset over Wrigley Field





The Mariners started out with a home run and a run batted in for each of the first three innings. At the top of the 4th, the Cubs were down 6 to 0, a tough hole to begin the first third of the game.  Ironically the Mariners walked two cubs in the 4th and Rizzo struck out with three men on base.  At the Bottom of the 9th the Mariners were leading 6 to 3 when the Cubs came to bat.  No way could they pull this off, right!  Wrong.  The Cubs went on to win the game at the bottom of the 12th with a score of 7 to 6.

Cubs on First
Cubs on First
Rizzo Strikes Out with 3 Men on Base
Rizzo Strikes Out with 3 Men on Base
Wrigley Field
Wrigley Field








This was a fun event for family, grandparents and their grandchildren, young and old couples, and friends getting together for a good time.  It happens all over the US every spring, summer and fall.